Meditation for Kids

 These beginner sessions will be focusing on awareness of breath exercises and grounding techniques.  Many topics are covered during the sessions such as  gratitude, loving kindness/self love, big feelings/emotions and how to calm the  monkey mind.  These  creative sessions will also include mindful art, games and a chance for your child to grow and take care of  their own tomato plant in a hydroponic garden that the children will be able to take home after completing the course.   After each session, the kids will have access to a  sensory area which is filled with so many wonderful treasures to play with that will aid in mindfulness practice.   Homework will be assigned at the end of each class. Parents are welcome to stay during sessions and enjoy a complimentary tea.  Parents are encouraged to bring a snack for their consumption to practice self-guided mindful eating.   Once all four sessions are completed, the children  will have a celebration party.  They will receive their certificate and will get a chance to interact  with baby bunnies, play in the  puppet theater, and have access to sensory area.  Snacks and tea will be provided.   Everyone will get a chance to try out mindful eating.  

                         MINDFULNESS MEDITATION FOR KIDS

                              4 week course -2 hrs once weekly

                                                   AGES 9-15

Lesson One:

Jon Kabat Zinn definition of mindfulness 

Grounding technique - yoga tree 

Topic of discussion: Chillax your mind - (free your mind)

Awareness of breath meditation

Mindful Art - leaf weaving 

Yoga - cobra, downward dog, forward fold, elephant,cat/cow

Calming kitty script 


Planting tomato seed in the hydroponic garden

Homework - create meditation area at home; practice awareness of breath meditation

Inspirational quote 

Sensory area free play

Lesson Two: 

What is mindfulness meditation 

Grounding technique - 5,4,3,2,1

Topic of discussion: Kindness 

Loving Kindness meditation

Mindful Art - self portrait - loose parts

Yoga - tree, chair, frog, child, corpse

Be your own Best buddy script 


Tending to tomato plant

Homework - do 5 kind deeds this week; practice awareness of breath meditation 

Inspirational quote

Sensory area free play

Lesson Three: 

Attitudinal Foundations of mindfulness

Grounding technique - reorientation

Topic of discussion: origin of stress

Body scan meditation 

Mindful art - body tracing 

Yoga - ragdoll, gorilla, tiger, rock, butterfly 

Garden of happiness script 


Tending to tomato plant

Homework: do body scan when anxious; awareness of breath meditation 

Inspirational quote

Sensory area free play 

Lesson Four:

Mindfulness in daily activities to do at home

Topic of discussion: gratitude 

Grounding technique - walking 

Body painting meditation

Mindful art - mala beads

Yoga - pretzel, table, plank, airplane, warrior

Mantras and Affirmations 


Tending to tomato plant

Homework: this week each day  think of 3 things you are grateful for;  practice awareness of breath meditation

Inspirational quote 

Sensory area free play

Party time: 

Presentation of certificates

Tomato plants going home

Tea/snack time; interactive play with bunnies, puppet show theater

Cost: $100 for all sessions - mom receives a free spa service of her choice

Parents are welcome to stay during sessions and practice mindful eating - feel free to bring a snack for consumption; complimentary tea is available.  Please text or call Ewa at 519-854-9722 with any questions.


4 week course- 2 hrs once weekly 

Ages 4-8

Lesson One:   

Why do we meditate and what is it, meditative postures 

Grounding technique - yoga tree 

Awareness of breath - Balloon Belly Breathing

Topic of discussion: big feelings

Washing machine exercise 

Mindful Art - finger tracing 

Yoga poses - cobra, downward dog, forward fold, elephant, cat/cow

Calm Kitty meditation script


Planting tomato seeds in the hydroponic garden  

Homework: create meditation area at home - practice balloon belly breathing

and washing machine exercise

Sensory area free play

Lesson Two:   

Why do we meditate - recap

Grounding technique - rainbow

Awareness of breath - Star Breathing

Topic of discussion : Gratitude

Baby bird stretch exercise 

Mindful Art - leaf weave

Yoga poses - tree, chair, frog, child, corpse

Grateful Turtle  meditation script


Tending to tomato plant

Homework: practice star breathing and baby bird stretch exercise 

Sensory area free play

Lesson Three: 

Why do we meditate - recap

Grounding technique - 5,4,3,2,1

Awareness of breath - Stop Sign Breathing

Topic of discussion: Self-love/ loving kindness 

Heart-to-Heart Hug exercise

Mindful Art-Happy Face stone 

Yoga poses - ragdoll, gorilla, tiger, rock, butterfly 

Treasure box  meditation script


Tending to tomato plant

Homework: practice stop sign breathing and heart-to-heart exercise

Sensory area free play

Lesson Four:   

Why do we meditate - recap

Grounding technique A-B-C around the room

Awareness of breath - Warm Drink Breathing

Topic of discussion: Clear the mind

Windy Windmill exercise

Mindful Art - Body tracing 

Yoga poses - pretzel, table, plank, airplane,warrior 

Peaceful retreat meditation script


Tending to tomato plant

Homework: practice warm drink breathing and windy windmill exercise 

Sensory area free play

Party time:

Presentation of certificates

Tomato plants going home

Tea/snack time; interactive play with bunnies, puppet show theater


Cost: $100 for all sessions - mom receives a free spa service of her choice

Parents are welcome to stay during sessions and practice mindful eating; feel 

free to bring a snack for consumption; complimentary tea is available to parents during sessions Please text or call Ewa at 519-854-9722 with any questions.